International Dub Gathering – Alicante (ESP) – 18 au 21 Avril 2019


IDG 2019
IDG 2019


International Dub Gathering 2019
18, 19, 20, 21 Avril 2019
Bigastro – Alicante – Espagne

4 jours de Sound System et de Dub le Week End de Pâques !!!!

Line up par ordre alphabétique

48 Roots Sound System ‖ Adala ft King Siva & Kikinho ‖ Biga*Ranx + Atili & Prendy + Damé DJ + Green Cross + G-Rhyme + Higher Light Brigante takeover ‖ Channel One Full Sound & Crew ‖ Charlie P Boxman Recs set ‖ Claire Angel ft Murray Man‖ Danny T & Tradesman ‖ David Katz ‖ Dennis Alcapone ‖ Digital Dubs ft Junior Dread ‖ Emeterians In Dub ‖ Freedom Vibration Sound System ‖ Greenlight ft Macky Banton & Charlie P ‖ Iration Steppas ‖ Ital Horns ft Conscious Sounds & Dubdadda Live ‖ Jah Life Internationnal Sound System ‖ Johnny Clarke ‖ Kanka 2019 only date in Spain ‖ King Earthquake ft Joseph Lalibela ‖ Kode9 ‖ Mad Professor vs Scientist Dubmasters Soundclash ‖ Martin Campbell ‖ Mexican Stepper ‖ Radikal Guru ft Parly B ‖ Ras Digby ‖ Rico (O.B.F.) meets Buri (Moa Anbessa) meets Chalart58 meets Capra Game of Dubs: 4 dubmasters / 5 hours / Tons of Dubs ‖ Roberto Sanchez ft Shanti Yalah ‖ Sanga Mama Africa ‖ Shere Khan ft UK Principal ‖ Sinai Sound System ‖ Suns Of Dub ft Earl 16 ‖ The Bug ft Miss Red ‖ Wandem Sound ft The Hornsmen Section ‖

Lien vers l’event :

Toutes les infos utiles sur le site de l’International Dub Gathering :


IDG 2019
IDG 2019


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